Danny had a holiday from work this last Friday. So…We went to Hua Hin from Bangkok via train. The place we stayed was recommended by a co-worker from Danny’s work.
The train cost 44 Baht for one person for oneway, which is about 1.5$ This trip took approximately 5 hours. The ride home with the taxi was 65 Baht about 2$ CND the ride home on the taxi was less than 25 minutes. The train is fine. There are people that come on and sell food. No need to pack a lunch for the trip, unless you have dietary restrictions or IBS… The toilet on the train is interesting. It is almost a hole in the floor but a bit more advanced and it has a hose to wash up. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was toilet paper in the stall. The sink didn’t work or I didn’t know how to use it. Either way I brought baby wipes with me as traveling with them is a good idea.
There were monkeys at a station but I was slow to get the camera.. so I only managed one shot at that station. I tried to figure out what station it was at but I don’t know if I got the right station on the way back. I did see more monkeys on theway back.
I tried to figure out what station it was at but I don’t know if I got the right station on the way back. I did see more monkeys on the way back.
Khao Tha Mon was the station Where I saw more monkeys. They were on top of the wooden posts.
The trip on the train during the day was lovely. Next time I might bring a pillow. 5 hours is a bit long.
The countryside reminded Danny of England and the countryside reminded me of Bermuda. Danny says it is so green. I think the flowers and palm trees are very similar to Bermuda.
September is not the hottest month in Thailand but is still hot. There are fans on the train and all the windows open up. It was nice and cool on our trip.
We past a lot of rice fields.
The first thing we did after walking past the street dogs on the way to our hotel was go swimming then get some food at the first recommendation from another guest of the hotel. Eat@HuaHin was a good choice.
It was at this point that I noticed Danny had gotten a little sun on his window arm. I insisted he switch arms on the way back.
We went to the night market for dinner.
Then we stuck our feet into the fish tanks with those fish that clean your feet. Danny is very ticklish. It takes “2 minutes” to get used to the tickle, just keep your feet still.
On the second day in Hua Hin we rented a scooter for 200 Baht for the day. We went back to the train station to get some photographs of the famous train station.
On a side note it cost 187 Baht to fill up the tank. Which we hardly touched. We did go exploring so it was totally worth it. 🙂
There is a “Dynamic” setting on the camera.
Also, a selfie setting.
We went to a couple of beaches and saw a lot of jelly fish. I bought a cloth to put on the sofa at home from one of the people selling things on the beach. At the next beach we went to I felt like a target was places on my head. The merchant sellers were hovering while we had lunch. Lunch was delicious.
The water was very warm.
There were too many jelly fish in the water and on the beach to feel safe to go for a swim. According to the food vendor at the second beach we went to the jelly fish go away after the rainy season stops.
If you zoom in you might be able to see the littering of jellyfishes on the shoreline.
This crab was smaller than my pinky finger nail.
This dog was very hopeful that I might feed him.
If my stomach hadn’t acted up we would have gone for a longer walk on the beach.
Instead we went back to the hotel went for a swim and then ended up napping for a few hours until the night market was open. Oh, we had pizza for dinner at a place across the road from the hotel. We picked up our hands.
Then we went for a drive at night and ended up seeing a wonderful market fair. It was much bigger than the “night market” that the taxi took us to on our first night. The live music caught our attention. It was fabulous!!! I got some baby learning Thai puzzles and learners book. It has the English and Thai letters for the sounds the characters make!!!
On our way out we saw some Thai Cats.
Always wear your helmets! Pink for extra visibility 🙂
This little frog/toad stayed still long enough for me to get a photo. 🙂 I said thank you. You can see the size comparison by the flower pedal. Very small creature.
I thought that was all the exploring we were going to have time for but we didn’t have to return the scooter until 10 am the next day.
So, after breakfast we went for another adventure before we had to return the scooter.
We Drove past this place that had this figure.
What caught Danny’s eye was this building built into the side of the hill.
Then we ended up on this hill with these flags and bunting, so of course we followed it to the top.
If we had had more time we would have gone for a walk to the lookout. That is what we think is at the end of this walk.
Then we went too far! Oh stops all the dogs at once. So we backed up in a hurry and Danny got to hear my commanding voice when I was telling the dogs to stay back.
We got away from the dogs and I got off the scooter to get these shots from the small look out a bit to close to the dogs gate. So I took them fast and got on the bike to leave quickly.
Then Danny drove up a drive way to a temple and asked if we could go in. Turns out yes we can go in and take photographs.
We drove past monkeys on the way to get the scooter back 5 minutes late.
We got the bike back just after 10am.
We had an hour until check out so we went to the pool. Danny went swimming and I lounged on the deck. On my way to get a cushion for the lounge chair I met a local. Who I brought back to the chair with me.
Back at the Station why not get some more pictures.
This long weekend was a really great holiday. It was great to get away for a couple of days.
When we finally got home I started to hear this loud noise like explosions. Turns out they knew exactly when we got home and put on a firework show for us to welcome us home! Well at least that is what I am going to keep thinking. 🙂
Now! I have updated our website with this post about our weekend-get-away to Hua Hin. It is 1:15 am here in Bangkok and my husband is sleeping as he has work tomorrow and wakes up very early.
Much love to me hearties!
It was wonderful!