Hi mom,
thanks for having us stay at your home for the last year. I know we never planned on us being here for this long let alone until the summer which is what it is looking like.

Freddie’s update: 6 months old and he can crawl backwards and sideways. He has two bottom teeth and they are sharp! We have started to feed him solid foods. Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are the three foods we have tried so far. Freddie is a happy chatty baby. He is playing with his toys and putting things in his mouth. Areas that we are working on: crawling forwards and adding more varieties of food.

Update for Miranda: Miranda is a big sister! She plays nicely with her little brother. She is very interested in feeding Freddie but not so much in eating her own veggies. I have to hide her veggies in her sauce. Miranda has a love for numbers rather than letters but is learning both at home with mom and her tablet apps. We have not been getting outside recently due to the -30ish weather. Miranda is a very physical child; she likes to run, jump,climb, slide, swim and just about anything you can think of that involves moving. Potty training is still ongoing.

Update for Lori: I am in Canada with my two children. I am staying with my mother. I am not pregnant anymore ergo two children. Pregnancy was horrible, labour was fast and traumatic but it is over. I won’t be having anymore children from my body. We have no idea when the family will be reunited. I am very disappointed that it took so long to get Freddie’s birth certificate and passport and now we are stuck in Canada away from Danny. Breastfeeding Freddie is going well except for the teeth coming in earlier than Miranda’s did. Learning curve for me dealing with a baby who isn’t able to let me know that he is going to chomp down instead of feed. We are learning together how to navigate this aspect of breastfeeding. No blood has been drawn.

Update for Danny: Danny has taken to turning our home into the easiest home to manage. Everything has been organized since he returned home to China without having the kids and Lori around to make messes he has made vast steps in getting the house put the way he likes it. He is turning out home into a smart home which will make his life easier. And when the family returns we can spend more time together as everything is organized.

Baby is crying got to go..
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