No back to school photo yet.
I can finally sit down and type. My eyes are hurting a bit so I am mostly typing while not looking at the computer screen.
Danny is back at school and Miranda has started daycare classes too.
Miranda is a happy independent child. She is used to checking in with me while she plays at home. Telling/indicating to me when she is hungry, sleepy, hurt, and tired. She asks for help when she needs help but for the most part she is happy to get on with playing. I think she is ready for a 1/2 day at daycare/school.
Am I ready for my 16 month old who can walk and run and climb and does not talk yet, to be at school, being taken care of by other people? No. No, I am not. The reason why I am taking her to school is to be around other children her own age. Sending Miranda to school gives me very mixed feeling. I poke my head in and see she is doing fine. Not hurting others, playing with the kids and taking turns with the toys.
Now it is time to see if we can have a second pregnancy. The first pregnancy took 2.5 years to start. Now, I also have breastfeeding to hinder my fertility too. Miranda has no interest in stopping breast feeding. I am following her lead as to how long she wants to have my milk.
I am starting swimming teaching again at our local pool? I am looking into see if this can happen.
This time in the morning might just become time for me to go home an nap or sort out the papers from moving. I still have a few boxes left to unpack from moving. But they are only in my room. The rest of the house was unboxed within the first week we moved.
Well that is all for now. Ask me questions if you have them.
I will post later about how I managed a cry free goodbye at the beginning of the day.