In 2 months we will be married!!!
In 3 months we will be moving to Thailand!!
In 6 weeks family and friends arrive from Canada and the UK.
If ye arr coming to the wedding then ye should be dressed for the party. Having trouble with finding an outfit? Send me Lori and email and she can direct you to a trickle trunk to die for.
Also send an email if you want to contribute to the food items.
As noted above we are moving from Bermuda to Thailand this summer. We can’t take all of our stuff with us no matter how much I love my tools, plates, and amp they are just too big and heavy to move. I will have to replace them when we get settled in Thailand. So we are going to have a House sale:
tools 30$ or best offer
(dog inserted for size comparison ) foam matt 10$
lightweight luggage 2$ each
coolers 7$ each
square plates big and small 25$ for all or 5$ each for big and 1$ each for small
picnic basket 4$
large storage containers 5$ each
bike 65$
bathroom cabinet 100$ or best offer
wall hanging thingy free with something else
blankets 10$ each
amp 150$
electronic wires best offer
wall mounted clock 10$ or best offer
heater and some clothes free with something else
fishing rod with tackles and net 50$ * interested party will pick up on Friday if it is still available. *
plastic clothing hangers large and child sized. 1$ each 4 hangers.
crock pot 40$
rice cooker 10$
42 inch flatscreen TV LG 850$ or best offer
clothing basket 5$
ladybug umbrella child sized 5$
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